Category Archives: Residents

Working Party – Sat 16th & Sun 17th October

We need to do some work to tidy up The Green.

Come and join in from 10am on Saturday 16th or Sunday 17th October.

Children will be welcome to help plant Daffodil bulbs. We will also be putting up some solitary bee houses and planting some small trees. If you can, please bring a trowel/spade and hand tools to trim some of the established shrubs on the south side.

Small Updates


Given the ongoing situation regarding Covid-19 and restrictions, we are still unable to plan any events on The Green.

Anti-social behaviour

We have received a report that there may have been some drug taking on The Green recently.  Please could you keep a look out, as this needs to be substantiated if we are to report it.

Association Update

Thank you!  We received a fantastic response to our December newsletter request for voluntary subscriptions of £20 and donations. So far, in this financial year, which ends on the 31st May 2021, we have received the fantastic sum of £540.

The continued situation of COVID has meant we have not been able to organise any fund-raising activities during the last financial year and consequently the generous support of our residents is really appreciated.

It is not too late.  If you haven’t contributed but would like to, cash or cheque payable to The Landen Park Estate Resident’s Association delivered to our treasurer Tina at 1 Landen Park would be most welcome. Alternatively, please email Tina at for details of how to make a bank transfer.

Our expenditure has not been as high as we expected but obviously we still have the possible cost of removal of the trees with Ash Dieback hanging over us which could be very high.  It is vital that we continue to increase LPERA funds to cover such eventualities.

Nominated by Councillor Giorgio Buttironi, we have started the process of applying to Reigate & Banstead Borough Council for funding from their 2021/22 Small Grants Scheme.


It’s that time of year when we’re seeing many signs of wildlife in the area, with sightings of lots of different species of birds as well as bees and butterflies.  Some of you may have read about ‘Bert’ the hedgehog, who was found wandering around a garden with an injured back leg in Landen Park in the daytime a few weeks ago.  Please do be vigilant as we get the lawnmowers out again as it is possible that hedgehogs could be resting or nesting in longer grass.

Perhaps the most unusual sighting so far this year is that of a heron landing on the roofs of a couple of buildings in Westleas and then Landen Park!

Border with Westvale Park

The hedge saplings planted a year ago, along the border with the Westvale Park development, are beginning to develop.   Thanks to some additional shrubs kindly supplied to us by Paul and Sara in Landen Park, this should help enforce the boundary.

Following information that the boundary fence was only going to be a “post and rail” type (whereas elsewhere it was likely to be a solid complete type) we arranged a meeting with the Westvale site manager to express our concerns that this would compromise security.  He advised that this was a planning issue likely to have been agreed by RBBC but would take this up with his boss. We have received acknowledgment from him that he would look into this, but we are still awaiting to learn of any progress.

Watch out for Hedgehogs

One lunchtime last week, a local resident spotted a hedgehog wandering around on the lawn.  Knowing that you are not supposed to see them during the day, and he seemed to be dragging one of his back legs, she phoned the British Hedgehog Preservation Society straightaway.

Following their advice, she put Bert into a cat basket with a hot water bottle, some hedgehog food and water, and brought him indoors.  Eventually she managed to get him to the They diagnosed a broken back leg.  He was also cold and dehydrated, in spite of having had the hot water bottle and water. They think he will have to have the leg amputated, but we are hoping that, if he makes it through, we will be able to bring him home soon.

Remember to watch out for hedgehogs when strimming and mowing! For more information on taking care of hedgehogs, check out

A Big Thank You

Thank you for the fantastic response to our December newsletter and for the generous donations towards our £500 target.

Donations can still be made by cash or cheque (in an envelope including your name and address) payable to The Landen Park Estate Residents’ Association to our treasurer Tina at 1 Landen Park or you can make a bank transfer by emailing Tina at for details.

We very much welcome and appreciate your support – Thank you!

Hedge Planting

Hedges planted in Landen Park Village Green
Hedges planted along the north fence of Landen Park Village Green

Yesterday we planted a set of hedges along the fence between the Green and Westvale Park. It was hard work, though the ground was relatively soft and we were grateful for the preparation work carried out by a few people in the previous days.

The hedge will grow to form an attractive edge along the north of the Green. For the moment, we have left a gap around the electricity pylon, which we hope may even be removed in the near future!

Hard work underway